Made With Gatsby
This is how my site works. I bought my domain in 2015 and have had a website running since then. As new tools (& my skills expanded) it has seen a lot of changes. At first it was just hosted on godaddy. It lived on digital ocean droplet for a while. I even had it hosted on github pages. Most or all of the code still lives on github some where. This iteration is my favorite.
The Stack
The site is built with GatsbyJS and hosted on Netlify. I have tried Jekyll, another SSG (Static Site Generator) before. I’m more familiar with Javascript, so Gatsby made the most sense. It’s also built on React, which is a huge plus!
I can develop locally and push to github. The site automatically builds on Netlify via commit-hook.
All blog posts are written in markdown. I write the post locally and push to github to update.
There are a ton of Gatsby plugins. Some of the ones I’m using are
- gatsby-plugin-sass – so I can use scss
- gatsby-plugin-dark-mode – made implementing dark mode super easy
- gatsby-remark-reading-time – adding reading time for each post
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